Interviewdatum: 16. April 2008.

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Kommentar: Mal Pop, mal Hip Hop, mal Rock, eine gefährliche Mischung. Die aber bei Dave Allen funktioniert. Seine Hip Hop Einflüsse hätten etwas weniger sein können, zudem ist seine Stimme etwas dünn. Dieses bügelt Dave aber mit frechen und coolen Texten und mit sehr viel Fun wieder glatt. Für eine Party immer der richtige Ton zum abtanzen. Bester Songs: „Somebody´s Watchin Me”.

OBZ: Your music is very energetic. I would concider the music style as a bit undetermined, because it is hard to define your music. Is that your intension?
DAVE: For the Broadway Nights album, the music is a mix of Pop, Hip-Hop, and Rock. I wanted to bring all elements to the music and still have it hit all emotions. I don't like to do things like everyone else. I like to be creative and bring fresh new music to the table.

OBZ: Your songs are about women, partying, about your life. Or what would you say your songs are about?
DAVE: The album Broadway Nights definetly has it's share of fun songs, but there are also songs that relate about real life issues like breaking up with an ex, or losing a family member. I try to incorporate what I am going through at that time into the music.

OBZ: How would you define your music?
DAVE: Fun and energetic, but also can be serious and emotional. The music is very real. Real situations and real emotions.

OBZ: Do you write all of your songs?
DAVE: Yes I create all of the music as well as write all of the lyrics. I play piano, drums, and guitar as well and produce and arrange everything.

OBZ: How do your songs evolve?
DAVE: They typically start out with a simple idea, with no lyrics or intentions of where the song is headed. I layer and build the music portion of the song up to a decent degree. Then I write the lyrics. After that I go back to the music portion of the beat and make the music compliment the lyrics so it all creates a great sounding song.

OBZ: From your pictures one can see, that not only in your songs but also in private you are revealing. Do you work as a model? Or do you just like people to see what you have got?
DAVE: I model for an agency in NYC, so the pictures on my MySpace are modeling pictures. I am doing a new shoot soon to go along with the new music that I will have out soon.

OBZ: Your music is not available in shops. Where can I get it from?
DAVE: It is hard to get distribution internationally nowadays because the industry is so bad that people aren't really buying actual CD's anymore. You can get the actual CD at www. cdbaby. com/allendave OR digitally through iTunes, Napster, etc.

OBZ: Have you ever been to Germany? Have you ever played there?
DAVE: I have never been to Germany although I would love to go oversees at some point. I also have never performed there.

OBZ: Do you have any idols? Who are they?
DAVE: I think for me to say that I idolize someone is hard for me to do because I sort of want to pave my own way rather than follow someone else. But as far as my acting and music career I think Will Smith has accomplished so much from music to movies. To have a hit album and a hit movie out at the same time is amazing.

OBZ: What is the most important thing in your life?
DAVE: The relationship that I have with myself and those who are around me such as friends and family. Positive energy and stress free life is really my number 1 priority.

OBZ: Can you tell me about the greatest moment that you had with your fans?
DAVE: The greatest moments with fans are when I am performing and I hear that people drove from all over to come and see me. That means alot to me and I think it's great.

OBZ: Is it important for you to have contact to your fans?
DAVE: Yes very important! On MySpace I try and answer everyone and keep in touch with people. I send out E-mails and even made an MSN and an AIM screen name to have live interaction with fans when I get the time.

OBZ: What is it that you would never do in your life?
DAVE: I would never stop working my hardest at whatever it is in life I am doing at that time. I set goals and accomplish them and I never give up.

OBZ: There is a dream project for it (Music, Filmmusic)?
DAVE: A dream project would be a major movie and a major album out at the same time. I would also want to make all of the music for the movie. That would be something I love to put alot of hard work into.

OBZ: What would they like to say to your fans?
DAVE: Thank you so much for supporting the music and for all the wonderful things you all do for me on a daily basis!

© Dave Allen.
© Dewey Darko.