Interviewdatum: 10. März 2014.

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OBZ: Laut unserer Information ist “TRIPLE CROSSED“ ihr erster Film. Erste Rolle und gleich ganz groß auf dem Filmcover. Wie sind Sie an die Rolle in gekommen?
WATSON: Yes this is my first major role. I have other short films and things like that but nothing of this scale. Also I got this role just by auditioning. I came across this audition went in had a good read with the producers and director and things just went forward from there.

OBZ: Gerade ist in Deutschland der Film “TRIPLE CROSSED“ auf DVD erschienen. Können Sie uns was zum Film und zu ihrer Figur (Chris) erzählen?
WATSON: This was an independent film that was put together by some very good people. I play an ex marine (Chris Jensen) who has come home and ends up being involved in a situation that determines whether someone will live or die.

OBZ: Hat das für Sie viel Überwindung gekostet, diese Rolle zu spielen? Wie war für sie die Erfahrung?
WATSON: To be honest yes. In the film I play a homosexual man which is something I was not at all familiar with. So some things were out of my comfort zone but I actually had no problem with the situation. It was a great learning experience being out of my comfort zone. It taught me a lot about what I was capable of doing and the things I need to work on as an actor so this was a great learning experience.

OBZ: Was war für Sie der schönste Moment beim Dreh?
WATSON: I think the different locations that we got to see and the people that I had people around me that were great to work with.

OBZ: Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Regisseur?
WATSON: It was fine we had talks before filming about the film and everyone was respectful as to what I was comfortable with. We did have some small differences as far as how we thought some things should play out but in the end it is the directors choice and I am thankful for the experience and the opportunity.

OBZ: Die Sex- und Nacktszenen im Film sehen schon sehr realistisch aus, aber echt sind sie nicht, oder? Wenn Sie nur gespielt wurden, wie wurden die Szenen gemacht? Da Sie ja wirklich nackt in den Filmen auftreten. Wie läuft bei Ihnen so ein Drehtag ab?
WATSON: No they are not real. We wanted to look realistic but different things are used to protect the actors from contact with others as well as acts are just simulated to look real and the different camera angles all add to the affect. Yes we are naked but we are always covered. Its hard to say what a normal day shooting was like because they were all different but we got up every mourning got to set ate, makeup, talked about what would happen and things just went from there until we accomplished everything we had set out to do today

OBZ: Können Sie sich noch daran erinnern, wie es war zum ersten mal sich vor der Kamera auszuziehen? Hatten sie Ängste?
WATSON: I actually was more comfortable with it than I thought I would be. I was afraid in the time leading up to it but when it came down to it I didnt think twice about it.

OBZ: Warum arbeiten Sie unter drei verschiedenen Namen (Jack Watson III, Brockett Watson, Jack Brockett)?
WATSON: There is actually no particular reason I am a new actor in the business and am trying to find a name that suits me that I would like to use but as far as a specific reason why there isnt one.

OBZ: Wollten Sie schon immer Schauspieler werden? Oder sind sie nur zufällig dazu gekommen? Und wie sind sie dazu gekommen?
WATSON: No I originally went to college to go into the medical field and because of some different reasons it worked out. It was something I had that about before but until I had a teacher push me to try to pursue it I had never given it a true thought.

OBZ: Haben Sie ein Traumprojekt?
WATSON: Of course I think we all do in the industry but at this point I am just grateful for the roles that I am getting as of right now.

OBZ: Würden Sie auch in einer deutschen Filmproduktion mitspielen?
WATSON: Of course. However I do not speak German so I do not know if someone would want to work with me given the language barrier. But given the opportunity of course I would.

OBZ: Waren Sie schon mal in Deutschland?
WATSON: No but I would love to someday.

OBZ: Sie haben jetzt die Möglichkeit Ihren Fans, Ihren Freunden, Ihrer Familie und allen anderen etwas mitzuteilen (Danke...). Was möchten sie sagen?
WATSON: I dont think that words could really describe how I feel about my family as far as there support and love that they have given me through this entire progress I have been through as an actor. My thanks to them could never be enough to truly support what my family, friends, teachers, and co-workers have meant to me through everything.

OBZ: Was können wir von Ihnen in Zukunft erwarten?
WATSON: Only time will tell but hopefully this will not be my last interview for film.

© Jack Watson III.
© Dewey Darko.