Interviewdatum: 12. Juli 2007.

James Michael Bobby wurde am 02. August 1981 in Chicago, IL, USA geboren. James lebt und arbeitet heute in Southern California, USA. Er arbeitet dort als Schauspieler und Model.

OBZ führte zum deutschen DVD-Start von „Eating Out 2“ mit James Michael Bobby ein kurzes Interview.

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OBZ: Wie sind sie zu der Rolle in „Eating Out 2“ gekommen?
BOBBY: I at first questioned the legitimacy of the title when my agent told me I had an audition for this film, Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds. I actually think the first thing I said to my agent was: "what are sending me out on, a porn?" My agent assured me that it was a legitimate movie and that Patrick Baca was an excellent and well respected casting director.

OBZ: Wollten sie ursprünglich eine andere Rolle im Film spielen und wie haben sie sich auf die Rolle vorbereitet?
BOBBY: When I went in for the audition I was actually supposed to read for Troy. However, when I got there, I was told I had to do frontal nudity (my agent had forgot to mention that to me) and I wasn't really interested in letting the whole world see all my goods. I asked if there was another role I might be able to read for and Patrick was kind enough to let me read for the role of Allan.

OBZ: Sie küssen im Film einen Mann. Am Ende des Film (nach den Abspann) bekommt der Zuschauer sogar noch mehr von Ihnen zu sehen. Hat das für sie viel Überwindung gekostet? Wie war für sie die Erfahrung?
BOBBY: I'm extremely confident in my sexuality so I didn't have any problems when it was time to do the kissing scene. I didn't really prepare for the kissing scene any differently than I did other scenes. I just got into character and did what the scene asked for.
When I was told that I had the final scene after the credits I actually thought it was really funny and was all for it. I have no problem showing my butt, everyone's got one, and I thought that it was perfect that the film end on my end, if you know what I mean:)

OBZ: Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen Darstellern?
BOBBY: The entire cast was an absolute blessing. Every single person in this cast was an amazing collaborator and extremely supportive of one another. I made a lot of good friends on that set that I still keep in touch with.

OBZ: Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Regisseur?
BOBBY: Phillip was amazing. He allows so much freedom for the actor to explore and play. He was absolutely wonderful to work with during the shoot. He possessed a calmness and control that is normally hard to find in a director.

OBZ: Wenn es einen dritten Teil von „Eating Out“ gäbe, würden sie versuchen auch wieder mit dabei zu sein?
BOBBY: I actually spoke with Phillip last night at the release party of Q. Allan's new series "Rick and Steve: the Happiest Gay Couple" and the idea of a third film has definitely been tossed around. I would love to work with Phillip on another project again, but I'll have to wait to see how things work out.

OBZ: Was war für sie der schönste Moment beim Dreh?
BOBBY: Dropping my drawers and letting it all hang out. :) Actually I would have to say the best part of being on that set was the group therapy scene. I've never laughed so hard in my life.

OBZ: Sie arbeiten auch als Model. Würden sie sagen, das man zum modeln auch schauspielern können muss? Und auch umgekehrt?
BOBBY: I have done a bit of modeling in the past but it tends to be hard for me to book work. Most models tend to be 5 feet 11 inches or taller and I am a couple inches short of that. I do enjoy modeling, but acting is far more rewarding for me. There does tend to be a lot of crossover between the two industries, but I don't really know which one is better to get started in.

OBZ: Uns ist aufgefallen, das sie bis jetzt nur in kleinen Independent Filmen zu sehen waren. Halten sie den Independent Film für sehr wichtig? Was bedeutet für sie Independent?
BOBBY: Independent films are closely admired by actors and ignored by producers. The fact is this is a business that happens to be a form of art. But first and foremost it has survived though the years to make people money. Independent films rarely make money. Gay films tend to make even less. The only major difference between an independent film and a studio film is the budget. Independent films also tend to be less apologetic and often don't care how the audience is going to perceive them.

OBZ: Was war das peinlichste was Ihnen im Leben passiert ist?
BOBBY: I got the piss knocked out of me by a stop sign. I had to go to the bathroom so bad that I wasn't paying attention to were I was going and I ran head first into a stop sign. I blacked out for a second and when I came to I realized I had wet myself.

OBZ: Mit wem würden sie gerne mal zusammen arbeiten?
BOBBY: I would love to collaborate with Phillip again. I tend to be a bit of a recluse and have a small group of close friends that I go out with.

OBZ: Würden sie auch in einer deutschen Filmproduktion mitspielen?
BOBBY: I would be more than willing to be in a German production if the right pieces were in place.

OBZ: Waren sie schon mal in Deutschland?
BOBBY: I've actually never been to Germany or Europe for that matter. It's sad really. That is one of the things that I would really like changing in my life. I love experience different cultures so it's shameful that I have only been in the US and Canada. That is soon to change I hope...

OBZ: Haben sie ein Traumprojekt?
BOBBY: I would love to be a series regular on the soap "Young and the Restless" - it's my guilty pleasure.

OBZ: Sie schauspielern und sie modeln. Schreiben sie auch Drehbücher und führen selber Regie? Oder würden sie dieses gern mal machen?
BOBBY: I have been toying with some screenplay ideas, but nothing is concrete as of yet. I would like to eventually direct as well.

OBZ: Sie haben jetzt die Möglichkeit Ihren Fans, Ihren Freunden, Ihrer Familie und allen anderen etwas mitzuteilen. Was möchten sie sagen?
BOBBY: Thank you for the support! No one can do this alone!

OBZ: Was können wir von Ihnen in Zukunft erwarten?
BOBBY: I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring, but I'm looking forward to doing more mainstream projects in both TV and Film.

© James Michael Bobby.
© Dewey Darko.