Kleiner Steckbrief von Jonathan Chase:
- Hobbies: A long list. Ill say I watch a lot of film.
- Lieblingsfilm: Once Upon A Time in America.
- Lieblingsmusik: Too many. From the Rolling Stones to Morcheeba to Outkast.
- Lieblingsessen: Smoothies (If that doesnt translate its basically fruit and vitamins and nuts and seeds in a blender haha).
- Lieblingsbuch: The alchemist.
- Lieblingsstadt: Snowmass, Los Angeles, New York.
- Lieblingsland: Too many. I love Czech Republic, Italy, Japan, Israel, the Uk, and Ive never been to Germany but its on my list when I get the time. And of course the USA.
- Lebensmotto: live like your gonna die tomorrow.