Interviewdatum: 28. Juni 2014.

Michael Adam Hamilton wurde in Danville PA geboren und lebt und arbeitet heute in Los Angeles, Kalifornien.

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OBZ: Erst einmal ein großes Lob für all das was Sie bisher in Ihrer Karriere geschafft haben. Ihre Filmografie ist wirklich sehr beeindruckend (Desperate Housewifes, Breaking Wind & co.). Und Jetzt „The 10 Year Plan“! Wie sind sie an die Rolle in „The 10 Years Plan“ gekommen?

HAMILTON: Well, first off, I auditioned of course. Beyond that, I think I booked the role because I was very careful not to play a stereo type and be true to the writing and specific in my choices.


OBZ: In Deutschland ist der Film noch nicht erschienen und auch noch nicht gezeigt worden. Können sie uns was zum Film und zu ihrer Figur erzählen?

HAMILTON: The movie "The 10 Year Plan" is about two best friends who make a deal that if they are still single in ten years, they will be a couple, together, forever. Of course ten years later they are still single and the deal must come to pass. My character Brody is a fun loving, wild hearted, conquering cop, while my best friend Myles is an uptight, serial monogamist, lawyer. Of course the stark opposites create hilarity as we desperately try to avoid ending up together only to realize that sometimes the thing that is most obvious eludes you.


OBZ: Wie ist der Film bisher beim Publikum angekommen? Wie war die Resonanz?

HAMILTON: People have really loved the movie. Specifically, they are very happy that it is a "gay movie" but that is actually just about two people with regular people problems and dreams. The movie doesn't feel the necessity to make a big deal out of the fact that our two heros are gay, only that they, like almost all people seem incapable of cracking the love code.


OBZ: Wollten sie ursprünglich eine andere Rolle im Film spielen und wie haben sie sich auf die Rolle vorbereitet?

HAMILTON: Actually I didn't want to play another role, however I did originally audition for another role. The role of bad-boy, rocker, player Hunter. I was very glad that I ended up with the role of Brody. my first step in prepping is always to read the script, over and over again. Then I ask myself questions about my character based on the facts i do know and try to create a whole and full life for the character. After these steps were done I rehearsed several times with my co-star, Jack Turner. We rehearsed to learn lines, find new ways of looking at things, find new beats and challenge each other.


OBZ: Hat das für sie viel Überwindung gekostet, diese Rolle zu spielen? Wie war für sie die Erfahrung?

HAMILTON: It actually wasn't much of an effort at all to play Brody. Before I met my wife, Brody and I had a lot of similarities. I can relate to someone who keeps those around him at arms length by humor and sex in an attempt to never be vulnerable enough to someone else that they can really hurt him. 


OBZ: Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Regisseur? Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen Darstellern?

HAMILTON: JC Calciano is by far my favorite director I have ever worked with. His vision was singular and easy relate to, but his style was open and welcomed input. You felt completely free to find your character by yourself and the other actors, but never lost and without guidance. Working with Jack Turner and Adam Bucci was an absolute pleasure. It never felt like work. We had fun everyday and grew together everyday. It is also very important that I always felt safe  to be my character, particularly with Jack (Myles) because our characters go through such an array of emotions with each other I needed to know that the other actor would allow me to experience all of that without judgment and Jack never questioned my view of Brody and I never questioned his Myles.


OBZ: Was war für sie der schönste Moment beim Dreh?

HAMILTON: One day I shot almost 11 pages of Dialogue, almost all me, back to back to back scenes all in a tiny GoGo Bar in West Hollywood with hardly any break. Emotions and tensions were high, I actually almost lost my temper at one point because the extras and crew were being loud in a tiny space and we were in the midst of an emotional scene. But at that moment I looked over at Mo, who played Richard my Cop partner in the film and experienced a comfort and focus I had never experienced before, so strongly, while acting. The scene turned out to be one of my favorite scenes in the movie.


OBZ: Haben Sie vor Drehbeginn auch die vorherigen Filme des Regisseurs “Is It Just Me?” und eCupid“ gesehen? Waren Ihnen die Filme für „The 10 Year Plan“ eine Hilfe bei der Vorbereitung?

HAMILTON: I did not see the movies. All I needed for inspiration was JC's script and meeting him once to realize this was someone I really wanted to work with. 


OBZ: Würden Sie Ihr Filmprojekt auch in Deutschland persönlich vorstellen wollen? Waren sie schon mal in Deutschland?

HAMILTON: I would of course love to present the film in Germany! I have never been there, yet, but it is HIGH UP on my list of places I must visit.


OBZ: Würden sie auch in einer deutschen Filmproduktion mitspielen?

HAMILTON: If i was given the opportunity and I believed in the project I would love to work on a German project. I just finished a movie called "Baby Steps" that was a joint venture between a USA producer (Stephan Israel) and a famous Taiwanese producer and Mr. Hsu and I really enjoyed the cross cultural experience and the opportunity to film somewhere else and truly experience the culture. If I had the same opportunity in Germany I would relish it. 


OBZ: Mit wem würden sie gerne mal zusammen arbeiten?

HAMILTON: I would love to act in an Aaron Sorkin Television show (West Wing, News Room). His writing and directing style captivate me like no other. I would also love to work with the American actor Zach Braff in a film he directs. His first film "Garden State" is one of my favorites. I would love to work with Clint Eastwood to see what kind of set he runs, I can only imagine from the rumors!


OBZ: Sie haben jetzt die Möglichkeit Ihren Fans, Ihren Freunden, Ihrer Familie und allen anderen etwas mitzuteilen (Danke...). Was möchten sie sagen?

HAMILTON: I would say thank you for the support and belief you have had in me. Thank you for standing next to me through years of struggle and grasping at every tiny opportunity to encourage me and always point out my successes and never drag out my failures.


OBZ: Was können wir von Ihnen in Zukunft erwarten?

HAMILTON: Well "10 Year Plan" will probably continue it's international festival run for the next 8 months and somewhere in there come up with a solid distribution plan. "Baby Steps" is expected to Premier sometime this fall hopefully at one of the larger international festivals and then have an international theatrical release after that. I personally would like to progress my career on American serial television this year. I would love to spend the next couple of years as a series regular on a procedural drama. I miss having an acting family and home base and enjoying that on a series right now would be a dream to me. 


© Dewey Darko.

© Michael Adam Hamilton.