Kleiner Steckbrief von Mitch Branson:
- Körper: 5 feet 11 inches.
- Gewicht: 190lbs.
- Penis Size (Cheat permissibly!): 8 inches.
- Hobbies: Gardening, music production, working out.
- Lieblingsfilm: Silence of the Lambs (Das Schweigen der Lämmer).
- Lieblingsmusik: I enjoy all genres of music.
- Lieblingsessen: Sushi.
- Lebensmotto: I believe that true success comes from living a healthy lifestyle. Setting goals and accomplishing them, is my biggest high.
- Lieblingsbuch: Catcher In The Rye (Der Fänger im Roggen).
- Lieblingsstadt: San Francisco
- Lieblingsland: Germany.