Interview (Let it kill you)

LET IT KILL YOU ist ein einzigartiger Film der obwohl er noch nicht komplett fertig gestellt, bereits in aller Munde ist. Wir sprachen mit beiden Hauptdarstellern kurz über das Projekt, über die Leidenschaft dahinter und die Hilfe der Fans… UNTERSTÜTZT UND WERDET SELBST EIN TEIL DES FILMS!

The Adams: Hallo Adam und Hallo Adam.

OBZ: Wie ist die Idee zu dem Film entstanden?
BUCCI: We have always had a love of horror movies, both separately and together.
HUSS: And Ive always been fascinated with werewolves from a very young age. From The Howling, to TEEN WOLF, to the FOX tv show WEREWOLF, I thought that being able to change into something else, something with great power, something different, would somehow make you special. So thats the psycho analysis part of it, lol. The deeper meaning behind it all. And Let It Kill You sort of came out of that concept. The idea that something so different and scary may or may not actually be the real monster in the movie. And that juxtaposition with feeling like an outcast in life, because of whatever hand you may have been dealt, compared to someone dealing with the curse of being this "monster" was so interesting to me. To play that out in a film between two people, could make things a lot more interesting than just blood, guts, and jump scares.
BUCCI: And Huss also actually had a run in with a real life creature once, believe it or not.
HUSS: I did. It sounds crazy or perhaps like a story youd hear in the backwoods or something, but one night I was driving up Mulholland Drive, late at night. And Mulholland is this small, private road where mainly tourists drive up to see a view of the LA skyline. Anyway, I was coming home from a writing meeting, 2am and m driving around the windy roads. and no joke, something steps out from the mountain side! 7 feet tall, covered in hair and tattered rags! And just haunches its shoulders up, looking terrifying and scary as hell! It didnt look human or like a costume, it looked like a monster, a full on WEREWOLF! I screamed and swerved and had I not, I would ve hit it! So it couldnt have been someone in a costume! I couldnt believe my eyes! When its happening, it seems surreal! You want to stare, there has to be an explanation, but then all your instincts are telling you to RUN RUN RUN! Which I did! I floored the gas and flew down the winding road! There was nowhere to turn off, so the whole time I kept picturing it running up the mountain and jumping on my car! I was petrified! And to tell the story then and now, it sound so ludicrous. Our rational brains want to find to find an explanation. Mine does. Anyones does. But to this day, I have no idea what I saw, or where it come from! All I know is, I saw it.

INFO: "Mulholland Drive" ist auch ein Film von David Lynch (Twin Peaks). Die Straße gilt in Hollywood als sehr gefährlich, dort passieren die meisten Unfälle!

OBZ: Wann kam der Zeitpunkt wo das Projekt die ersten Formen annahm?
BUCCI: When we first met, we were doing a musical. And we both started talking about our love of horror, or TV shows like Buffy or Penny Dreadful, and our affinity for love stories, musicals, like Moulin Rouge. So we had this idea to make a horror musical. Not campy, but full on serious. Between a vampire and a werewolf.
HUSS: We always joked how I ran hot, like a werewolf. Im always warm and sweating lol! And Bucci is always sort of cold and he had great Vampire hair at the time, so we said he was more like a Vampire.
BUCCI: Anyway, thank God it evolved into something better, and deeper. We got rid of the vampire idea all together, although we had that in a version of the script for awhile. But now its purely a werewolf film, because we wanted to tell a grounded werewolf story, as bases in reality as possible.

OBZ: Es scheint schon Szenen zum Film zu geben. Warum jetzt die Crowfunding Aktion?
HUSS: The scenes you are seeing on any of the crowd funding pages were just concept trailers we shot for very little budget. Just to give investors and other producers an idea of what we want to go for with the film.
BUCCI: We want people to know it isnt a cheesy, campy film. It has a more serious tone to it. It is a fun and scary creature feature, but with a very serious love story and social issue at its core.
HUSS: Like in the vein of GET OUT. Or IT FOLLOWS. By no means is it preachy Its just telling a relevant story that needs to be told, in an exciting package that can reach wider audiences because of the genre of horror that we are placing it in!

OBZ: Warum ist euch die Unterstützung der Fans so wichtig?
HUSS: We love our fans. Without them there is no reason to be doing this. Fans to us are people who need a movie like this. We had an instinct and a call from our hearts to tell a story like this, and fan support means that we are on to something.
BUCCI: It shows that there are many people who want to see these kinds of stories, told outside of boundaries and boxes we normally see these stories set in. That is very exciting and inspiring for us and keeps us going!

OBZ: Könnt Ihr uns schon mal einiges über den Film erzählen?
HUSS: Sure. Let It Kill You is a werewolf film set in a small town where 20 something artist, social outcast Rafe, played by Bucci, obsessively tries to capture images of cryptids on his trail cameras, after coming face to face with one 5 years earlier in a horrific car accident. Which goes back to my real life story, sans the accident part thankfully.
BUCCI: One night while Rafe is staking out the woods, he has a chilling encounter with the mysterious creature hes been searching for all these years and manages to take a grainy video of it. The next day, Rafe learns his best friend, the openly gay Casey Miller, has been savagely murdered. And his uneventful life gets thrown into chaos, especially given the mysterious arrival of the handsome drifter, Aidan. Played by Huss.
HUSS: Thats all we can tell you for now!

OBZ: Wir haben gehört es sollen einige bekannte Darsteller dabei sein. Dürfen wir mal nachfragen wer alles dabei ist?
HUSS: Nothing is set in stone, but we do have strong interest from some great name actors! Victor Garber will hopefully be on board to play the Pastor. Margaret Colin to play Rafes mom, Linda.
BUCCI: Lee Meriwether, from Batman the TV show fame as Catwoman, will play Edna, a local farmer who gets caught up in the town gossip, along with Trisha Rae Stahl, from Glee and Too Close To Home. Plus we are talking with a few other great actors to play some of our pivotal roles in the film! Exciting stuff!

OBZ: Wo wird gedreht? Und warum dort?
HUSS: The movie takes place in anywhere, USA. Specifically a small upstate NY town. With the one road Main street where all the shops and restaurants are located. I grew up spending my summers in towns like these. And I am fascinated by them. There is so much charm and beauty to these towns, but a lot of them are also stuck in time.
BUCCI: And while we love that feeling, it also can sometimes be a scary place to be, in terms of acceptance of different lifestyles that are more embraced in larger cities. So we wanted to explore that dynamic, because it is so rich with layers. Not saying all small towns are like this, but the small town in our film is.

OBZ: Ihr habt beide in Filmen von JC mitgespielt. Wie habt Ihr euch kennen gelernt?
HUSS: I met JC just by auditioning for him. And I had a great experience working with him on IS IT JUST ME and he became a friend. Everyone from that film became part of my LA family. Michael Amato. Nicholas Downs. David Loren. Julie Lee. Bruce. We may not see each other as much as we would like, but when we do its always a good feeling.
BUCCI: I got to know JC through Huss. When The 10 Year Plan came around for casting, he asked me to come in for one of the roles. He didnt think I could do Hunter, because he knew I was so different than that character.
HUSS: But I knew he would blow it out of the water, because he is a great actor. And I remember JC calling me after and saying "Adam, Oh my God! Bucci came in and owned that room! He is my Hunter!" I was very excited for him!

OBZ: Sollte der Film finanziell ein Erfolg werden. Habt Ihr euch da schon an eine Fortsetzung überlegt?
HUSS: it will be! LOL! No, we really think that it could be, mainly because it can cross over genres and reach a wide variety of people! That is our goal! We ve already had so much interest just from our concept trailers so we really feel hopeful about that!
BUCCI: And yes we have discussed a sequel and where it would go from the ending that it has now. It has a lot of exciting and different possibilities! In many different media forms as well, another movie, a TV series… We shall see!

OBZ: Was möchten Sie zum Schluss allen sagen?
HUSS: And they can still make a tax deductible donation via our fiscal sponsor FROM THE HEART PRODUCTIONS to help make this movie happen by clicking here to read more about the campaign etc : -

AUFRUF: Los Leute. Es fehlt nicht mehr viel um den Film fertig zu stellen. Selbst jede kleine Spende um den den Film fertig zu stellen reicht aus um ein Stückchen näher zum Ziel zu gelangen. Adam und Adam werden es euch mit all Ihrer Liebe danken. SPENDET! Wir von OBZ unterstützen das Projekt mit.

© Dewey Darko.
© Adam Huss.
© Adam Bucci.